Thursday, September 18, 2008

for nancy,

sometimes i go to central park to look at the horses. horses and clean air are two things i miss.

before i lived here, i wanted to live here. i really don't want to live anywhere else right now. living in brooklyn is not as hectic as living in manhattan. outside my window i see treetops, a small row of brownstones, and the tops of apartment buildings. lots of sky. I live on the third floor of a five story building. It's convenient because it means i don't have to climb seventeen flights of stairs, only three.

if you buy something here, you have to carry it. you can't shove it in the back of your trunk and go five other places. i live close to lots of good (but not upscale) restaurants and a few galleries, but the area i live in is mostly residential. if i want to go to chelsea, the center of the art community, i have to take the subway and it takes about thirty minutes. the only downfall to living in my neighborhood is that the only train that comes this way is the G train. it's slow, meaning there aren't as many of them and you may have to wait a while for one to arrive. yesterday there was a problem with the G train and the last stop it could make was three stops away from my stop. i had to walk a long way home. sometimes i miss the convenience of driving, especially when the stations are hot, filthy, and smell like three weeks worth of garbage. i'm making it sound awful, but i still prefer it to driving and suburban life.

i really appreciate the access i have to lots of great artists and work. my writing studio professor is really good friends with a poet who's work i really admire. i love that NY is a huge concentrated bottle of what i am learning about.

1 comment:

Dave said...

"i love that NY is a huge concentrated bottle of what i am learning about. "

What a great statement. :-)